Financial Picture

Trans Pride Seattle strives to create a vibrant space for celebration, education, connection, and resistance that centers TwoSpirit, Trans, & Gender Diverse people.

We work hard to hold true to the spirit of the Stonewall Riots by honoring and uplifting Trans women and femmes of color, Trans sex workers, Trans people with disabilities, and other marginalized intersections of our communities.

We believe in putting our money where our mouth is, and in financial transparency as a means of accountability. 

A child in a rainbow cape with a unicorn plushie in hand rides on an adults shoulders amidst a crowd at the Trans Pride resource fair

Community members at the 2015 Trans Pride Seattle march. Photo by Alex Garland. 

2023 Total Income: $62,541

We balance sponsorships with (mostly small) donations from community members to remain grassroots and community-driven.

Because we do not believe in pinkwashing and the corporatization of Pride, Trans Pride Seattle has never and will never accept corporate sponsorships. We limit sponsorship to Trans-affirming nonprofits, unions, and local small businesses with strong histories of non-discrimination, as well as employee resource groups.

FAQ: You say you don't accept corporate sponsorships, but some of your sponsors look like corporations!

While we do not accept corporate sponsorships, we do allow employee resource groups to sponsor. An employee resource group is a group of employees at a company who are using their own funds—not funds from the corporation—to sponsor. Often, the logos for employee resource groups are similar to their affiliated company, making it look like TPS is sponsored by—for example—Starbucks, when in fact it is sponsored by the employee resource group Starbucks Pride Network. 

2023 Total Expenses: $61,103.38*

We aim to return 50%+ of all money spent to Trans community members. When contracting with vendors and performers, we prioritize QTPOC and groups. Some costs are fixed, such as rental equipment, facilities, travel, advertising, and other supplies.

*Note: this figure and graph do not include staffing costs for Gender Justice League (GJL) staff, who make up the majority of the organizing capacity for Trans Pride Seattle each year. Our estimate of staffing costs for GJL staff producing TPS in 2023 is $77,000. If we included that in our total expenses for Trans Pride, the total expenses would be upwards of $138,000; meaning we lose about $75,000 by producing Trans Pride Seattle. For 10 years—prior to TPS becoming a fiscally sponsored project of GJL in 2024—GJL was not funded a single dollar to produce Trans Pride Seattle. In 2024, we became a fiscally sponsored project, which means we are now able to apply for and receive grant funding specifically to produce Trans Pride! 

FAQ: What do these labels mean?
  • Tabling Fair ($23,309.73): Cost to rent all the tables/chairs/canopies for our tabling fair
  • Supplies ($5,886.63): Food + water for volunteers and VIPs; KN/N95 masks and COVID tests for organizers/volunteers/attendees who need them; cost to create any new merchandise/SWAG to be sold at the merch table 
  • Volunteer Stipends ($7,026): We believe in paying people for their labor wherever possible—and volunteering can be a lot of labor! This expense is the stipends we pay to volunteers who take on especially lengthy and intensive roles. Note: this does not include costs of staffing for Gender Justice League (GJL) staff, who make up the majority of the organizing capacity for Trans Pride Seattle. For 10 years prior to TPS becoming a fiscally sponsored project of GJL in 2024, GJL was not funded a single dollar to produce Trans Pride Seattle. 
  • Performers ($10,547.50): Money paid to the impeccable Trans talent you enjoy on our main stage during the event. 
  • Vendors ($11,460.22): These funds are for vendors hired to handle audio/stage lighting, the event livestream, honey buckets, national barricade ‘no parking’ signs, and garbage/recycling services. 
  • Licenses/fees/insurance ($1,873.30): Seattle Parks fee, tax payments, city event permit, and event insurance. 
  • Photography ($1,000): Cost of three photographers (who generously offer their services at discounted rates) who document the life-saving Trans joy, connection, and celebration that takes place at Trans Pride Seattle.