Sponsor Trans Pride Seattle
Every year, the Trans Pride Seattle stage features over a dozen incredible 2STGD performers, artists, speakers, poets, and dancers—one of the most diverse displays of Trans talent in the nation—who elevate our understanding of Trans lives and attract 30,000+ attendees each year!
In 2024, an astounding 539 anti-trans bills have been proposed nationwide—five of them being right here in WA State. Amidst these attacks on our ability to live safely and authentically, spaces that affirm our lives are more important than ever.
Now in its 11th year, the success and sustainability of TPS have been due entirely to the efforts of hundreds of volunteers, small-dollar donors, and businesses and organizations like yours who have supported our event. Over 50% of the budget for TPS comes from community sponsors like you!

LÜCHI performs on stage at Trans Pride Seattle 2022. Photo by Andi DeRoux.
Because we never accept corporate sponsorships, local community groups, organizations, and small businesses have the unique opportunity to be the center of attention at Trans Pride Seattle!
Sponsorship Levels + Perks
Presenting Sponsor: $20,000+
- Logo placement on all posters, promotional graphics, + website
- Free full (6′) table at the tabling fair
- VIP Access (with food + bathroom)
- Stage thank-yous
- 1 minute of stage time
Co-presenting Sponsor: $10,000+
- Logo placement on all posters, promotional graphics, + website
- Free full (6′) table at the tabling fair
- VIP Access (with food + bathroom)
- Stage thank-yous
- 1 minute of stage time
Champion for Justice Sponsor: $5,000+
- Logo placement on all posters, promotional graphics, + website
- Free full (6′) table at the tabling fair
- VIP Access (with food + bathroom)
- Stage thank-yous
- 1 minute of stage time
Leading Justice Sponsor: $2,500+
- Logo placement on all posters, promotional graphics, + website
- Free full (6′) table at the tabling fair
- VIP Access (with food + bathroom)
- Stage thank-yous
Hero Sponsor: $1,500+
- Logo placement on all posters, promotional graphics, + website
- Free full (6′) table at the tabling fair
- VIP Access (with food + bathroom)
- Stage thank-yous
Gender Justice Sponsor: $1,000+
- Logo placement on all posters, promotional graphics, + website
- Free full (6′) table at the tabling fair
- VIP Access (with food + bathroom)
- Stage thank-yous
Super Hero Sponsor: $750
- Logo placement on all posters, promotional graphics, + website
- Free full (6′) table at the tabling fair
- VIP Access (with food + bathroom)
- Stage thank-yous
Support Sponsor: $500
- Logo placement on all posters, promotional graphics, + website
- Free full (6′) table at the tabling fair
- VIP Access (with food + bathroom)
- Stage thank-yous
For questions about sponsorship, please contact Kai@GenderJusticeLeague.org